I'm Sarper Şoher, a Game Designer & Developer since the early 2000s.

I began my game development journey in the late '90s, experimenting with Klik'n'Play and creating simple maps and mods for Half-Life. I spent the early 2000s learning programming and doing contract game development work using Blitz3D. I earned my first paycheck when I was 17; it felt great. I also learned and used Wings3D, Blender, Photoshop, and many other DCC tools during this time. In 2009, I switched over to the Unity game engine, and since 2023, I have been using the C programming language for all my personal game development work.

Over the years, I have worked at Proje Calide, Ark, Mobilecraft, Moda, and Funrika in various capacities, including developer, senior developer, tech lead, and project manager.

I have independently developed and released games on platforms such as Steam, itch.io, Google Play, and the App Store.

Additionally, I have contributed assets to the Unity Asset Store, but almost all of them are deprecated now.

While primarily focused on programming and game design, I also possess experience in various other game development-related fields.

On this website, you will find my somewhat recent, independently developed solo game projects.